Dr. Johné Battle is the Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion for Dollar General Corporation and oversees the strategy for diversity, equity, and inclusion for over 157,000 associates. Within this role, he works across the organization to make data-based decisions using tools such as belonging indexes, talent-flow analysis, and inclusive leader assessments. Dr. Johné Battle is recognized by the National Diversity & Leadership council as one of the Top 100 Diversity Officers in 2021 and is renowned as a Global Business Executive and thought leader who brings the powerful combination of skillful talent development and human capital expertise.
Dr. Battle has quite an impressive BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) of transforming the lives of 10 million people over 10 years. In this conversation, he shares how he created this goal, and how he brings that into his work in DEI. He also shares some key strategies for not only getting leadership on board with DEI, but ensuring that it starts with leadership and is woven into the fabric of any organization. To connect with Dr. Johné Battle, you can find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnebattlemba/
Topics In This Episode
Measuring success
The importance of grit and a growth mindset as a key for success, and defining those characteristics
The relationship between our individual journeys of DEI, and bringing that to the workplace as a leader
Answering the question: how can I lead better?
Being adaptable to change, because change is inevitable
Identifying the difference between training and transformation
If you are a leader of people, you must be part of the solution
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