Sunday Prep: Time-Saving Hacks for a Purposeful Week

Now most of you know, I run three businesses. I have two children. I travel quite a bit and I am involved in many large community organizations, community gatherings, and events. In order to manage all of that, one of the techniques I've used to stay in my Purposeful Hustle is taking time on Sunday nights to plan and prep for the entire week. There are four things that if I'm able to do on a Sunday, it changes the game for the rest of the week - not just for myself, but also for my family.
First, I like to lay out all of my clothes for the week. For me, this is a huge stress reliever. It's a stress reliever because I have a number of different kinds of engagements that I am going to be participating in, so I want to make sure that I am being respectful of whatever audiences I'm going to be in front of. One day I might be speaking to 600 kids and then the next day, I might be doing an incredibly professional, very corporate event. Laying out my clothes and putting them all in a section of my closet is incredibly stress relieving for me.
Now, that little bit of time on Sunday saves me massive amounts of time and stress throughout the week.
I love food prep! This is a recent hack for me and it's so rewarding to put together, especially my breakfasts and my lunches, on Sundays. I take mason jars and decide what to eat for the week. Typically, it's a lunchtime salad and it's some kind of granola or cereal for breakfast. It takes me about 30 minutes to put out all the food, getting it all chopped up, and putting it into my mason jars.
During the week when I'm running or I'm on my way to a meeting and I have to eat really quickly, I'm not making poor choices. I also don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to eat and rummaging through my a refrigerator. I can just go right to what it is already planned, and open it up to eat it. Again, prep is only about 35 or 45 minutes but once it's done, I don't have to worry about it during the week.
When I'm being an extra achiever, I try prepping dinner too, but that's a whole 'nother level!
Now, a third thing that I like to do for my Sunday planning is I like to figure out what my goals are going to be for the week. If you have taken my Purposeful Planning class, you know I am very goal oriented. I like to structure what my annual, quarterly, and weekly goals are going to be. When I lay out my priorities for the week, it allows me to be able to look at what's on the task list, what really has to be done, what needs to be shifted, and what needs to be moved. I also have an amazing team! When I'm clear on what my goals are going to be, it's easier for me to articulate them so they can list out as their priorities for the week too.
Detailing my goals for the week makes it operate smoother and the entire team's week goes smoother!
Last, but definitely not least, is my calendar. There are a couple of big key things that I have to pay attention to in my calendar.
Am I traveling? If so, where? When do I have all of that stuff all lined up? Do I need to get my suitcases out so that they're ready to go and can be packed quickly?
The second thing that I want to look at is what's happening with my children. Where do they need to be and can my husband and I get them to where they need to go on time and be picked up on time.
The other thing that I like to look at is when I think about my goals, I need to make sure that I have enough time allocated to achieve the goals that I've listed out for the week. Looking at the calendar is the fourth thing I like to do, but it is literally one of the most important things that I can do, not just for myself, but for my family and the team as well.
I can't wait to see you all next week! Remember: HUSTLE with PURPOSE!