UpliftED Conversations:
An Inclusion Focused Blog

Sharing insights and experiences to keep workplace inclusion moving forward

Purpose - we all have one. It’s what we’re uniquely designed to do in the world. At Uplifting Impact, we believe that the power to make change lies within all of us, and can be extended to our places of work - where we can all hustle with purpose to create, continuous, organizational inclusion.

We want to move forward on this path together, with you - find us here bi-weekly!



Sharing insights and experiences to keep workplace inclusion moving forward

Purpose - we all have one. It’s what we’re uniquely designed to do in the world. At Uplifting Impact, we believe that the power to make change lies within all of us, and can be extended to our places of work - where we can all hustle with purpose to create, continuous, organizational inclusion.

We want to move forward on this path together, with you - find us here weekly!

Recent Posts

  • Jul

    An increasing number of companies are (finally) taking their employees’ mental health seriously, but we still have a long way to go. Mental illness and distress continue to be stigmatized and looked down upon, despite study after study showing that...

  • Jul

    Even the most creative businesses rely on numbers. You’ve got to mix innovation with progress reports, and creativity with the bottom line. Without metrics, it’s difficult to know what progress the company has made, what still needs to be done, what’s...

  • Jun

    In the movie Office Space, employees are expected to churn out pointless reports, work on Saturdays, and conduct work that doesn’t have any personal meaning to them. The result is a chaotic workplace with people who do very little and care very little...

  • Jun

    It’s no secret that the vast majority of company leaders in the United States are mostly homogenous in terms of race and gender. About 85 percent of Fortune 500 CEO are white males and, amazingly, that number is an improvement from a decade ago....

  • Jun

    While the vast majority of people I’ve met as a DEI consultant are receptive to my messages, I am well aware that naysayers exist. There are those who resist DEI efforts for a variety of reasons. Maybe they don’t understand the point (“Isn’t this...

  • Jun

    Communication is an essential component of any business. We send off dozens (if not hundreds) of emails every day, take phone calls, and participate in virtual meetings. But how often do we pause to think about our communication methods and assess...

  • Jun

    As a leader, you have the power to set the tone of your team, and maybe even your organization. You can choose to listen to others’ perspectives…or not. You can choose to take meaningful, DEI-centered actions…or be satisfied with the status quo. You can...

  • May

    Ability is a spectrum. People may experience mental or physical setbacks or impairments of varying difficulties and persistence. A disability may be visible or invisible, severe or mild, experienced daily or occasional. As leaders, we need to believe our...

  • May

    As a DEI consultant, I have worked with countless leaders across all industries whose hearts are in the right place. They want to enact DEI-centered changes and make a positive difference for their marginalized and underrepresented employees. They want...

  • May

    How might the world improve if we didn't make snap judgments about others? What if we endeavored to get to know the person, rather than making automatic assumptions based on our experience with people who look like them or come from a similar background?...