UpliftED Conversations:
An Inclusion Focused Blog

Sharing insights and experiences to keep workplace inclusion moving forward

Purpose - we all have one. It’s what we’re uniquely designed to do in the world. At Uplifting Impact, we believe that the power to make change lies within all of us, and can be extended to our places of work - where we can all hustle with purpose to create, continuous, organizational inclusion.

We want to move forward on this path together, with you - find us here bi-weekly!



Sharing insights and experiences to keep workplace inclusion moving forward

Purpose - we all have one. It’s what we’re uniquely designed to do in the world. At Uplifting Impact, we believe that the power to make change lies within all of us, and can be extended to our places of work - where we can all hustle with purpose to create, continuous, organizational inclusion.

We want to move forward on this path together, with you - find us here weekly!

Recent Posts

  • May

    Is your workplace equitable?

    Far too often, leaders think their company is fair and equitable, when it actually has a lot of room for improvement. Why the disconnect? In my experience, those who have, by and large, been treated fairly by their workplace...

  • Apr

    It’s back to basics this week! On this blog, we often talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), but what are the key tenets of DEI work? Which guiding principles should organizations follow to make meaningful changes in this arena?

    As workplaces...

  • Apr

    It is baked into our DNA to be afraid of difference. Our reptilian brain says, “run!” or “fight!” when we encounter someone who doesn’t fit into our expected mold. But here’s the thing…we’re better than that.

    We don’t have to listen to our animal...

  • Apr

    Though neurodiversity has recently cropped up more often in books and TV shows, it remains stigmatized and neurodiverse individuals are often marginalized. This is especially true in the workplace, where those whose brains are wired differently are often...

  • Mar

    Workplaces are filled with jargon and catchphrases. In recent years, we’ve been inundated with “synergy” and “thinking outside the box,” while being asked to “pick the low-hanging fruit.” Those phrases might be overused (or even annoying!), but they’re...

  • Mar

    The wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers might not be too relevant in everyday conversation, but they did say a few things that still hold water today. Among their commonly used maxims was a phrase that still resonates with many of us: “Know thyself.”


  • Mar

    Chances are, your workplace tracks and measures many different things. It may track the effectiveness of its advertising, or the profitability of a certain product, or how many days of PTO its employees usually take each year. These metrics help guide...

  • Mar

    Last week, we discussed actions that may look like allyship on the surface, but are more performative than substantive. Your marginalized employees deserve more than a performance—more than empty promises and surface-level actions. To help make a more...

  • Mar

    True allyship isn’t always easy. Using one’s privilege to support the rights of a marginalized group can involve “uncomfortable” actions such as acknowledging shortcomings, broadening one’s perspectives, conducting research or continuing education, and...

  • Feb

    Far too often, portions of the workforce are left behind. These underrepresented individuals must carve their own paths, be their own advocates, and go out of their way to build their skillsets and prove they are promotion-worthy.

    In the meantime, others...